August's and Ravyn's NPC trades X2

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BijouBlue's avatar
this is a quest for :iconpokemonrainbow:
it'll make more since if you read the first one~ Ravyn's and August's NPC Trading stories.This is a quest for the RP group :iconpokemonrainbow: please enjoy!~
1: trade with Ninja boy Nato.
Ravyn and August walked past a small stream of lava. A bubble pop at the surface, flinging mini droplets of molten rock on the ground.
“How did I end up doing this?...” Ravyn wondered out loud.
She had just been walking around Samuel the Oak Tree with August, a totally normal day, when a boy dressed in a ninja suit ran up to them.
“Can you catch me a Ninetails? I’ll trade it for my Croagunk!”
“Eeh? You want to trade your Croagunk? Their pretty rare around here…” She had said.
“I can easily get those toads in my homeland so gimme a fox! I really need that fox, belive it!" he had responded.
Aaaaaand there they were, trying to get a vulpix on Orange Island.
“We’re here because you’re too nice.” Sta

thank you for reading!


August work up to the gentle swinging of the hammock he was sleeping in. he groaned as he sat up, stretching out his arms and remembering what had happened the day before. He had to admit- those pirates know how to throw a party. He looked around the small, empty room, expecting to find Ravyn asleep in the Hammock below him, but wasn’t surprised that she was nowhere in the cabin. He gave a sigh, hopped down from the hammock and went in search of her. Walking down the hallway, he noticed that it was unusually quiet in there. No one seemed to be in their rooms or in the deckhouse at all for that matter. Well, we did just have a giant party… He thought. I don’t even know what time it ended. When he finally reached the deck, the silence he had all but disappeared. There were pirates running back and forth, shouting in excitement.

“August!” Ravyn called out to him while waving, wearing the captain’s pirate hat and cloak. “We just plundered a cruise ship!”

August paused to let that comment sink in.

“You… WHAT?”

“We. Plundered. A. Cruise. Ship.” She repeated slowly, pointing out to where a second large ship was joined to the one they were on by a wooden plank. He stared at it in shock. This cannot be happening.

“But why are you wearing the captain’s hat?” he asked, trying to at least give some answers.

“Because the Captain was asleep and I wanted to try it on.”

“But then why are they raiding a cruise ship?”

“Because I ordered it!” said Ravyn with excitement.

“……why?” August was just getting more confused. This is why he can’t leave this girl alone for a second. Ravyn rolled her eyes.

“Do you have any other words in your vocabulary besides ‘but’ and ‘why’?” She hooked her arm with his and started to walk towards the cruise liner. “It’s just starting to get fun!”

He watched as a group of pirates walked from across the plank with bulging burlap bags swung over their shoulders, chatting about how they haven’t scored this good in years. August started to get a little worried.

 “What are they taking from the cruise?” he asked as they walked past the chatty sailors. The he noticed that Ravyn was chewing on something. “And… what are you eating?”

“Croissants and Croissants.” She said as they walked across the plank.

“C-Croissants?” he said, trying to make sure he doesn’t fall over.

“Yep! You were asleep and I was hungry, so I asked the guys if they could whip up some breakfast. And I was craving Croissants.” They were now on the cruise ship, walking around the large, sparkling pool and the beach chairs. Everything was perfectly in its place- it didn’t look like they were under attack at all.

“But then they said that the cook fell off board at some point last night, and none of them knew how to make a meal! That’s when I saw a cruise ship nearby and said ‘why don’t we ask them if we can have some food?’ but they said I couldn’t order them to do something unless I was cap’n, so, yeah, you can put together two and two.”

August was completely lost know. She said they were plundering this ship, but it didn’t look in any sort of disarray. In fact, it looked like it hasn’t even been touched yet. He was so distracted by the eerie cleanliness of it all that he almost missed what Ravyn had said next.

“…and the deal was pretty straight forward, so no hassle there.”

“What deal?” he asked. They were off of the bow now and were heading down the starboard side, where, a little ways away, was a sailor leaning against the railing.

“That we can take all the Croissants we want, as long as we help that guy over there. Oiiiii, Jackie!” she yelled while waving at him. He saw them and started to jag their way.

“I guess he’s been really insistent about something for the last couple of days, and the captain finds it really annoying.”

When he finally reached them, he had to catch his breath for a moment.

"Hi there!” he said after his breather, “does anyone have a Diglett? I am always curious about what’s in the bottom half of a Diglett, I am willing to trade away my Goomy for it!"

“Ravyn, you already have a Goomy, and I don’t see a need to get another one.” he said.

“I know. That’s why this offer is for you!” she smiled. “You’re a ranger! It’s your duty to solve the curiosity of others!”

“It’s my duty to protect Pokémon and people, and to help keep the balance of the two.”

“Well, yeah, that too!” she walked around to face him. “It’ll be really quick and I’ll be safe here, so there’s no need to worry!”

The fact that she was going to stay on the ship made him worry even more. Not for her safety, but for theirs. But when she insists on something, she won’t give in, so it was kind of pointless to try and reason with her.

“…Fine, I’ll go and get his Diglett, but you have to promise me that you’ll leave if things start to get hairy. And that you won’t go ‘Supreme Overlord’ on them, ok?”

She clapped her hands with glee. “Okay, I promise!”

And that was how his trip to the Underground Tunnel began.

1: August’s trade with Sailor Jake.


August was surprised at how dry and hot it was there, and thought nothing, not even Pokémon, could have survived in these kind of conditions. But he was soon mistaken as a small group of Digletts dug past him into the Tunnel-a massive hole in the ground.

“Guess I better get going.” He said, and followed the critters descent into darkness.


He had been walking for quite a bit and had lost the Digletts a whiles back. He knew the dangers of getting lost in a place like this. He’s compass was pretty much useless, there were just to many tunnels and dead ends, and even though he had a flashlight, it could only illuminate so much at a time. He had decided to bring out his Torchic for additional light when a large noise was heard somewhere of in one of the many caves.

“This doesn’t look good…” he said as the noise came closer and he started to back away. Torchic ran behind him as they back down one of the conjoining tunnels. A Rhyhorn ran out of the cave, looking for something to attack for whatever reason. August turned off his flashlight and quietly continued to backway from the angered Pokémon. He though he had gotten far enough away that they were safe, but his Pokémon had backed up against a rock and got startled, shooting a Flame Thrower out of the cave.

“T-Teppei, calm down, it’s a rock!” He tried to calm his Pokémon down as it ran in circles chirping. And if things couldn’t get worse, the Rhyhorn heard the commotion and charged down the tunnel at full speed.

“Time to go!” he grabbed his Torchic and ran down the cave as fast as he could in the dark. He hated getting into unnecessary conflict with the local Pokémon, unless he was going to catch is. He was able to maneuver himself away into a smaller cave and the sound of their pursuer faded off in the distance.

“Must’ve gone down a different tunnel…” he sighed with relief. He picked up he’s very apologetic Torchic, petting its head to make it feel better. “It’s ok, it’s not your fault. Let’s go back to where we came from and start over again, ‘k?” He clicked back on his flash light and started walked back to the cave they had started in, doing the best he could to not trip on the bumpy terrain. Wait, bumpy terrain? He thought. It wasn’t like this when we first came down here… Then he realized that he had stopped walking a while back, but was still moving forward.

With a start he looked down to see two black eyes and a bright red nose. He didn’t know how long they had been riding on a herd of Diglett, and couldn’t even see the end of them. His Torchic started to panic when it saw all of the little Pokémon under them, and struggled its way out of August’s arms. When it finally broke free, Torchic jump as high as it could and used Bounce on one of the closest Diglett. As soon as the move hit, the Diglett got startled and buried themselves as quickly as possible, fleeing from the scene underground. Only the one that got attacked remained, paralyzed.

“Teppei, you scare easier than a Skiddo…” said August as he rummaged through his bag for a Pokeball. “I don’t have any Full Heal on me at the moment, so we’re going to have to take a trip to a Pokémon Centre.” He tapped the Diglett’s head with it and caught it without much trouble. Picking up his little Pokémon, he carefully navigated his way out of the Underground Tunnel.


A trip to the Pokémon Centre and the Pokemart later, August was flying over the Deep Blue Sea and spotted the cruise and landed, returning his Pidgeot. He asked a loitering pirate where he could find Ravyn and Sailor Jack, and was directed to the main dinning room. August thanked him and made his way down the hall to a stand in front of two large double doors.

“This must be it.” He said to himself, pushing the doors open. The room was packed with people, pirates and tourist alike, eating, drinking, and laughing like they weren’t just forcefully boarded by pirates and plundered of their Croissants. Slowly pushing himself through the crowed, August didn’t know where to begin looking for Ravyn, until he heard a very familiar voice saying: “Let’s get another round of Oran berry juice going!” “Ay Ay, Cap‘n” the crowed replied. He hurried to the middle of the room to find a giant stack of chairs and tables, and perched atop it was the captain, Jack and the most troublesome girl in the world.

“Ravyn! What did I tell you about going Supreme Overlord!?” he said, as he ascended the structure to where they sat. When he reached the top, Ravyn apologetically offered him an Oran berry drink. “I know that I wasn’t supposed to go overlord on you and take over the ship, but the captain woke up and said I did a good job on taking all of the Croissants and wanted me to be captain for a day, and all the crew members built this really nice throne-thingy and I was just really hungry and-” she as cut off by August’s delirious laughing. This day keeps getting crazier and crazier, but that was the thing he loved most about the Rainbow Region, it’s never boring.

“At least you didn’t get thrown overboard.” He said after he calmed down enough to talk. “I got Jake’s Diglett.” He offered him the ball. “I hope you find out what’s under it.” The sailor took the pokeball gratefully and handed August the Goomy, as promised. They said their good-byes and left while the pirates enjoying the ‘after party’, waving to them until neither boats could be seen.

“Oh, August, I almost forgot!” Ravyn said behind him. “Jack said that a friend of a friend of a friend’s sister knows a guy on the Xandy Islands that want’s to trade for his Hawlucha, and I really want one, so can we stopped by there, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?”

August sighed. “I have a feeling this is going to be a long day.”


-August obtained a Goomy.


2: Ravyn’s trade with Wrestler Rey Mysterio.


Ravyn gave him the directions and they were soon walking up the hill to meet this friend of a friend of a friend’s sister who knew a guy. “This reminds me of when we traded with Nato!” said Ravyn, reminiscing on a memory that happened the day before. They had finally made it to the top, and leaning against the tree was a man who looked like he just stepped out of wrestling match. August grabbed Ravyn’s hand and started to quickly walk back down the hill.

“Nope.” He said while pulling Ravyn along. “Nopenopenopenopenope, we are NOT trading with Mr. I-just-took-down-an-Ursaring-with-my-pinky-toe. Nope, not happening.”

“Hey! I wanna trade! Nothing bad will happen, I got you to protect me!” pleaded Ravyn.

“He’ll snap me in half!!”

“Some ranger you are.” she murmured. Then she thought of something. “LOOK, IT’S A FLYING PIKACHU!!”

“Wait, what?” August asked utterly confused. But before he could register what had just happened, Ravyn was half way back up the hill laughing. “R-RAVYN!” he called, bolting after her. By the time he made it to the top, she was practically next to the macho man, his back facing her. August ran up beside her just as she greeted the man. “Yo!” she said to him. He turned around in surprise, then smiled at the trainers “Hola! I have a Hawlucha to offer if anyone has a Luvdisc, I luv da Luvdisc!”

“Aww! I love those little guys too!” Agreed Ravyn. She looked over at August to see him staring at the man with a confused expression. She held back the urge to laugh. “I would love to trade with you, we just need to catch one. So, we’ll be back soon!” Ravyn Grabbed August’s hand this time, and started to walk to where Cindy was located. “Little surprised now, aren’t we?” she asked with a smirk.

“Yeah, yeah, just get on Cindy.”


They took off without any delay.


It didn’t take Ravyn long to catch a Luvdisc since Jawbreakers Point was full of them, and got back to Rey in no time. He had happily accepted the gift and before forgot, he commented about a friend of a friend’s cousin’s friend that knew a guy that ate at a restaurant that had a chef that wanted a trade in Gummy Town, then left saying something about making a fish-sized mask.

“I guess you know where we’re going next.” Said Ravyn Excitedly.


-Ravyn obtained a Hawlucha.


3: August’s and Ravyn’s trade with Shy Schoolgirl Selena and Chef Ramsey.

They arrived at the restaurant that wrestler had mentioned and got a table to have lunch, since the man at the counter said they couldn’t just talk to the chef without getting food. They ate their great lunch and enjoyed the view that they were provided. After the meal, Chef Ramsey come out and asked how it was. Ravyn had smiled and asked “So I heard you wanted a trade?” he nodded.

"I need a Magikarp to cook... I mean I need one to train with. I have a Roggenrola up for trade. I swear I won't hurt the Magikarp."

Then, some girl over hearing their conversation jumped in and said: "Senpai likes Pikachu... I need Pikachu for Senpai to notice me..." she said with pleading eyes.

Ravyn and August looked at each other. “WooHoo, double trade time!” Ravyn cheered.


August dropped Ravyn off at the Golden Forest, while he flew to the S.S. Misty. August Fished for a while but brought in a decent Pokémon for trade, and although Ravyn had some trouble catching a Pikachu, she finally caught one after the nineteenth pokeball.

They both returned to the restaurant in Gummy Town and completed their trades with Ramsey and Selena, both praying that Ramsey is a man of his word.

“That was a good lunch.” Ravyn commented as they walked down the street to where Cindy could take off.

“I just regret not asking what he put in our food…” August said, trying not to worry too much. They were about to continue their conversation but were interrupted by squealing from a group of girls standing by a large billboard.

“I can’t wait to see Rosa, She’s so cool!” one of them exclaimed. “I can’t believe you were able to get plane tickets to Cadbury City!”

“Daddy was able to get a Limo too!” The other said and flipped her hair.

“I wish one of us had a Zubat, then we could see her up-close and personal!” said the third. They all squealed again and ran off talking about hairdos.

August immediately knew what his friend was going to say. “Can we go, can we go pleeeeeease!!?” She asked, excitement plastered all over her face. “…Let’s get going before it starts.” He said, getting excited himself. It’s not every day you can trade with a rocker.


-August obtained a Roggenrola.

-Ravyn obtained a Dedenne.



4: Ravyn’s trade with Guitarist Rosa.

By the time they arrived on Cindy, the sun was already setting.

“I hope they didn’t start the concert yet.” Ravyn worried as they walked to where it was to be held. It was an open stage, so they were able to find it quite easily. The only problem was a group of people. A very large group of people.

“Looks like she’s pretty popular around here…” August said as he watched them fight or a chair.

“Hmm…” Ravyn was busy looking for a way to talk to Rosa. There were guards everywhere, and they didn’t look too friendly. Then she spotted a small section that wasn’t being monitored. “Aha! That should do nicely. Gus, there’s only enough room to get me through, so you and Cindy will have to wait for me over there, ok?” she pointed in the direction to where he should wait. “You sure you’ll be able to get past all those people?” August asked her as she walked towards the stage.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine!” she answered and walked away. Just as planned, she carefully slipped past the guards and into the tent covering the back of the stage. It was a mess in there. People were running around like crazy, calling out to other people who were apparently nowhere to be found. Ravyn dodged as much as she could before she spotted Rosa.

“Rosa!” she called. Rosa looked up from her guitar and smiled. “A little Zubat told me you wanna trade?”

“Aha! yoyoyo! I need a zubat to make me look cool when I perform tonight!” She struck some chords on her guitar. “I have a pair of Plusle and Minun that I don't need no more, come trade with me if you like. Peace!”

“Ok! I need to catch one, but it’ll be quick. Mind telling your guys that I’m cool?”

“No problamoo!” Rosa did as she promised and Ravyn got a backstage pass to show that she’s one of the crew. She ran back to where August and got on Cindy. “ON TO BLACK CAAAAAAVE!”


No name was more fitting then Black Cave for this place. It was so dark, Ravyn was starting to think someone had painted the walls black, and even though August had a flashlight, it could only illuminate so much. “How are we going to see the Zubat in here? I can’t even see my own feet!” Whispered Ravyn.

“We’ll just have to keep a keen eye.” August whispered back. “Just try not to make too much noise.” Just was he said that, Ravyn had tripped on a rock and fell, making enough noise for the hidden Zubats to go crazy. They swarmed out of the cave, screeching as they flew. Ravyn panicked and started throwing pokeballs randomly in every direction. August called out his Torchic. “Teppei, use Ember towards e ceiling!” Teppei obeyed and instantly the cave was flooded with light slowly shimmering down. The Zubat scattered and Ravyn finally got a good look at the cave… And all the Pokémon she caught. “Oops…” She said as she surveyed all the pokeballs on the floor, shaking and holding at dozens of Zubats.

“How did you catch so many?” August asked, gawking at their numbers.

“I… kinda freaked out and started to throw them around…”

August laughed. “When they said you ‘gotta caght’em all’, they didn’t mean all of one species!”

“Oh, you’re so mean!” she said, but couldn’t help laughing herself. After everything had calmed down, August helped Ravyn to release all but one of the Zubats and left them some berries to serve as an apology. The got back to the concert a few minutes before it was supposed to start and Ravyn, taking August with her this time, Ran back stage and completed the trade with Rosa, who had exclaimed: “Right on!”

He concert had finally begun, and Ravyn and August was glad to see Rosa Rockin’ out with her new friend.


-Ravyn obtained a Plusle and Minun.

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